What is the significance of life? Life unfolds in a cyclical manner on our planet. Each morning, the Sun illuminates our existence with new light, while evenings serve as reminders of light’s importance in our lives. Initially, we are born in a state of ignorance. Our journey through life can be viewed as a progression from ignorance to wisdom. The exact moment of our arrival in this world eludes our memory, yet every individual will ultimately bear witness to their own final moment in this realm. By observing our surroundings, we notice that everything in nature adheres to certain laws. When a dry leaf descends from a tree, it follows a discernible pattern, taking its time to reach the ground. Scientifically speaking, the fall of the leaf is governed by factors such as gravity, wind direction and velocity, air humidity, and atmospheric temperature. Hence, every effect can be traced back to a cause.
Life on this planet has transitioned from a basic single cell to the complexity of multiple cells. Every living entity possesses a limited lifespan. Each day witnesses the birth of millions of living organisms and the departure of millions more. This continuous cycle of birth and death has persisted throughout ages. As humans, we have undergone evolution over time, with our brains developing at a faster pace compared to our contemporaries. Consequently, we now occupy the highest position in the food chain. Presently, I perceive little distinction between a newly born human and an animal. Although their physical forms may differ, both lack knowledge and depend on their biological parents. As time progresses, both survive and mature: the newborn human becomes an adult, while the newborn animal becomes a full-grown creature. Undoubtedly, humans possess greater intelligence than animals. Animals require sustenance for survival, shelter for rest, and reproduction for their species’ continuity. Once these three needs are fulfilled, the animal’s existence is fulfilled. It remains content indefinitely, devoid of any sense of incompleteness or dissatisfaction. The animal does not yearn for something absent in life or seek additional fulfillment.
In contrast to the rest of the animal kingdom, we, as humans, possess a distinct characteristic that distinguishes us. Although we are animals in terms of our physical nature, we share fundamental needs for sustenance, clothing, shelter, and companionship for procreation. Nevertheless, numerous individuals spend their entire lives devoted to pursuing these basic necessities and searching for happiness, yet they discover a profound lack of fulfillment. Regardless of our circumstances, a sense of emptiness and enduring suffering persists until our lives conclude. Hence, it becomes crucial for us to unveil that elusive element which genuinely defines our humanity.
One could argue that the inherent meaning of life is a profoundly personal and subjective notion, as individuals have the capacity to discover their own distinctive purpose and derive meaning from various sources. It is frequently acknowledged that this journey entails introspection into one’s values, beliefs, and the interconnectedness of existence, all of which contribute to the exploration of a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Understanding the true meaning of life can be easily grasped by recognizing the presence of a barrier separating one’s ignorance from wisdom. This barrier is none other than the ego, which serves as the fundamental cause of all suffering. The ego is characterized by a sense of separation and individuality, creating a distinct identity for a person. It can manifest in various ways, such as seeking validation, asserting dominance, protecting self-interests, or comparing oneself to others. The ego can be influenced by societal norms, cultural conditioning, personal experiences, and a desire to maintain a self-image.
Now the question is how can you win your battle against your greatest enemy “The Ego“?